Having a pet can bring so much love and joy to our lives, but sometimes it can get some not-so-nice smells. If you have a cat in your home, you may have encountered the smell of cat pee in your carpets at some point. There are plenty of solutions to eliminate that nasty smell from your carpets and keep your home smelling fresh. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to get rid of the cat pee smell on the carpet quickly and easily.

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How To Get Rid Of Cat Pee Smell In Carpet?

How To Get Rid Of Cat Pee Smell In Carpet: Step By Step

Getting rid of the cat pee smell on the carpet is not easy. However, following a few simple steps, you can remove the odor from your carpets. First, you must blot up the mess as much as possible. Then use a solution of vinegar and water to neutralize the odor.

You may also consider using a vacuum specifically designed for pet stains. After you’ve soaked up the liquid, scrub the area with club soda and let it dry before sprinkling it with baking soda and letting it sit overnight. Finally, use an enzyme-based cleaner to break down the bacteria that cause the odor and spray with essential oils or a deodorizer for extra scent.

With these steps, you can remove that pesky cat pee smell from your carpets!

1. Blot the Spot to Absorb the Urine

One of the most critical steps in removing the cat pee smell on the carpet is to blot the spot to absorb the urine. Use an old towel to shame and absorb as much urine as possible when you find a place. Use paper towels or a white cloth if the urine is fresh. Wear shoes, and use your weight to help blot up as much cat urine as possible. Once you’ve blotted up as much urine as possible, you can use a vinegar solution or a vacuum intended for pet stains to remove any remaining residue.

2. Use a Vinegar Solution

After blotting the spot to absorb the urine and using a vacuum intended for pet stains, one of the best methods for removing cat urine odor is to use a vinegar solution. Dilute white vinegar with equal water and saturate the carpet stain with this solution.

Let it sit for 3-5 minutes, or carefully follow the instructions on the bottle. Because vinegar is acidic, it will neutralize the bacteria in the cat pee, offsetting its odor. After 30 minutes, remove as much liquid as possible with a cloth or paper towel. Remember that you may need to repeat this process several times to eliminate the smell.

3. Use a Vacuum Intended for Pet Stains

Once you’ve blotted up as much urine as possible, it’s time to bring in reinforcements. Like a shop vac, a wet/dry vacuum removes stubborn pet stains. Ensure the hose attachment is made explicitly for pet stains, as it will have more suction power and help draw more pee from the carpet. Vacuum the area thoroughly and then move on to the next step.

4. Scrub the Area Thoroughly with Club Soda

Once you’ve used a vinegar solution to neutralize the bacteria in the cat pee, it’s time to scrub the area with club soda. Pour club soda directly onto the stain and use a towel to blot up any excess liquid. Repeat as needed until the spot is no longer saturated.

This is a great way to scrub the area and remove any remaining odor effectively. Once you’re done, let the area dry or use a fan or dehumidifier to speed up the process. Once dry, sprinkle baking soda over the stain and work it into the fibers, which can help neutralize odors further. This may be used alone or after vinegar treatment for extra odor removal power.

5. Sprinkle with Baking Soda

Once you have blotted the spot to absorb the urine, used a vinegar solution, vacuumed with a pet-specific vacuum, and scrubbed the area with club soda, it is time to sprinkle baking soda over the affected area. Baking soda is a natural cleaner, odor eliminator, and deodorant. It is a fantastic substance capable of soaking up odors and gently on carpets.

Applying baking soda will break down the bacteria causing the scent so that you can eliminate the smell. Let it sit for about an hour before vacuuming it from the carpet, or leave it overnight if you wish. Baking soda is an excellent solution for removing the cat pee smell in carpets and furniture!

6. Let it Sit so the Baking Soda Can Work Its Magic

Once you’ve sprinkled baking soda on the affected area, it’s essential to let it sit for at least an hour or two before vacuuming it up. This will give the baking soda time to neutralize the odor and absorb any remaining moisture. Additionally, the baking soda will act as a natural deodorizer, helping to reduce any unpleasant smells further. Leave the baking soda for a few days to soak it in and do its job correctly if possible. After this time, vacuum the baking soda, and your carpet should be odor-free!

7. Use an Enzyme Cleaner

Once you have treated the area with a vinegar solution, vacuumed, and scrubbed it with club soda, the next step in removing the cat pee smell in your carpet is to use an enzyme cleaner. Enzymes are naturally occurring proteins that help break down the uric acid in cat urine, which causes the odor.

To make this homemade enzymatic cleaner, shake the powder from a baking soda box over the pet stain and let it sit for about half an hour to begin absorbing. Then soak the stain with your enzyme cleaner (once deemed safe for the fabric) and let it break down the uric acid for about 15 minutes.

We recommend using an enzyme-based carpet cleaner to eliminate all bacteria and odors from your carpet.

8. Consider Professional Cleaning

If all else fails, it may be time to consider professional cleaning. Professional cleaners have access to tools and solutions that may be too expensive or hard to find for the average homeowner. They can also provide deep cleaning services that will get into the fibers of your carpet and remove any lingering odors. It may cost more than DIY methods, but it could be worth it if you struggle to eliminate the smell.

9. Spray with Essential Oils

Once you’ve done all the necessary preparation steps, it’s time to bring in the big guns—essential oils. Essential oils are a natural and effective way to get rid of those nasty cat pee odors. Mix 16 ounces (about 500 ml) of warm water in a spray bottle with ten drops of peppermint essential oil or two tablespoons of peppermint extract.

Spray all the areas you’ve just treated, including walls and furniture. You can also create a blend of essential oils to help neutralize the odor. Add oils like tea tree, eucalyptus, lemon, and lavender to baking soda and mix it. Always use 100% therapeutic-grade essential oils for this step. Leave the mixture on the spot for at least 30 minutes or overnight before vacuuming using it.

10. Use a Deodorizer

Finally, using a deodorizer is a great way to eliminate lingering odors. There are a variety of deodorizers available in pet stores, as well as online. When using a deodorizer, read the instructions carefully, as some may require multiple applications and time to take full effect.

After blotting up the urine, using a vinegar solution, scrubbing the area with club soda, sprinkling baking soda and letting it sit, and using enzyme cleaner to remove the stains, a deodorizer can be used to get rid of any remaining odors. Remember that it may take multiple applications for the deodorizer to work its magic, but it should help remove the odor from your carpet altogether.

What kind of cleaning solutions can I use?

When cleaning cat pee from carpets, there are a few different solutions you can use. If you’re looking for a DIY solution, use a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (1:2 ratio) or undiluted white vinegar.

Mix three tablespoons of baking soda, 1 cup of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide, and two drops of dishwashing liquid in a spray bottle for a more robust solution. If the smell is powerful, use an upholstery cleaning machine with scrubbing attachments to eliminate the bacteria causing the odor. Vinegar is also acidic, so it can neutralize bacteria and alleviate odor.

Mix equal white or apple cider vinegar with water and spray the area. Finally, an enzyme cleaner or professional cleaning can also help remove the smell and the stain.

How do I remove the urine odor from the carpet?

Removing the urine odor from the carpet is a difficult task, but with the right combination of cleaning solutions and techniques, it’s possible. First, blot up as much urine as possible and then spray the area with an enzyme-based cleaner to break down the bacteria causing the smell.

Additionally, you can use a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water or undiluted white vinegar to help remove any lingering odors. In deep set-in odors, you may need to use a vacuum specifically designed for pet stains or sprinkle baking soda over the affected area and let it sit before vacuuming it.

You may even consider hiring a professional carpet cleaning service if the smell persists. Finally, you can always spray essential oils or use a deodorizer to help mask any remaining odors.

What are the best methods for removing cat urine odor?

The best methods for removing cat urine odor depend on the type of material you’re dealing with and the severity of the smell. For carpets, vacuuming with a pet-specific vacuum is a significant first step. Then you can try using a vinegar solution, scrubbing the area with club soda, and sprinkling baking soda to absorb any remaining odor.

Alternatively, you can use an enzyme cleaner to break down the bacteria that cause the odor. If the smell persists, consider professional cleaning or spraying with essential oils. Finally, using a deodorizer can help mask any remaining odors.


This blog post discussed the best methods for removing the cat pee smell from your carpet. We started by discussing how to absorb the urine with blotting, then moved on to vinegar solutions and vacuum cleaners intended for pet stains. We also discussed scrubbing the area with club soda, sprinkling baking soda, and using an enzyme cleaner.

Finally, we looked at professional cleaning and essential oils as ways to deodorize and eliminate the smell. With these tips in mind, you should be able to get rid of your pet’s unpleasant odor quickly and efficiently so that your home can stay smelling fresh and clean.

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