A Hoover carpet cleaner is the perfect solution if you’re looking for a way to keep your carpets looking and smelling fresh. In this blog post, I’ll provide step-by-step instructions on how to use a Hoover carpet cleaner to keep your carpets clean and smelling great!

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How To Use Hoover Carpet Cleaner?

How To Use Hoover Carpet Cleaner: 10 Simple Steps

The Hoover carpet cleaner is an easy 10-step process that will leave your carpets looking and smelling great. First, familiarize yourself with the machine and read all instructions before you proceed. Then, prepare the room for cleaning by moving furniture and vacuuming the area thoroughly.

Fill the cleaning tanks with the recommended cleaning solution and set the cleaning mode. Start by slowly pushing the cleaner backwards across your carpets and then pull it forward. Make sure to empty the recovery tank regularly as you go along.

When you’re finished, refill the tanks as needed and vacuum up any excess water. Finally, rinse and dry your carpets, then maintain and store your cleaner properly afterwards. With these steps, you can easily clean your carpets with a Hoover carpet cleaner!

Step 1: Familiarize Yourself with the Hoover Carpet Cleaner

Before you start using your Hoover Carpet Cleaner, it is important to familiarize yourself with the machine and its various buttons, tanks, and attachments. Take some time to go through the owner’s manual and familiarize yourself with the different components of the cleaner and how they work.

Ensure you understand how to fill the cleaning tanks, set the cleaning mode, empty the recovery tank, and use the various attachments. Once you are confident that you understand how to use your Hoover Carpet Cleaner, you can begin cleaning your carpets.

Step 2: Prepare the Room for Cleaning

Now that we’ve familiarized ourselves with the Hoover Carpet Cleaner, let’s move on to step two: preparing the room for cleaning. It’s important to make sure that you have the necessary supplies on hand. You’ll need to have a 1:8 ratio of cleaner to water, a clean water tank, a dirty water tank, a hose and upholstery tool, and of course the Hoover Carpet Cleaner itself.

Additionally, you should make sure that the area you’re cleaning is free of any dirt or debris, as these can get caught in the carpet cleaner and damage it. Once the area is prepped and ready to go it’s time to move on to step three.

Step 3: Fill the Cleaning Tanks

In Step 3 of using my Hoover Carpet Cleaner, I will need to fill the cleaning tanks. This involves filling the clean water tank with hot tap water and adding a cleaning solution to the solution tank. Depending on the model of Hoover Carpet Cleaner I am using, I may also need to fill an additional pretreat solution tank or a pet cleaning solution tank.

Once the tanks are filled, I can place them back onto the cleaner and proceed with the next steps. Following these easy steps and familiarizing myself with my Hoover Carpet Cleaner will ensure that I get the best results possible when cleaning my carpets.

Step 4: Set the Cleaning Mode

Once the cleaner tanks have been filled, it’s time to set the cleaning mode. The cleaning mode selection dial on the base of the unit will allow you to choose the preferred cleaning mode. To do this, align the arrow to your desired setting.

These settings will vary depending on your model of Hoover carpet cleaner but generally include Quick Clean, Deep Clean, and Rinse & Dry modes. With most models, you can expect that Quick Clean is best for light cleaning, while Deep Clean is better for heavy-duty stains and pet hair. Once you’ve chosen your preferred setting, you’re ready to begin cleaning.

Step 5: Start Cleaning

In Step 5, it’s time to get to work and start cleaning the carpet! With the Hoover carpet cleaner, this is easy to do. First, make sure that the nozzle is flat on the floor. Then, move the cleaner slowly over the area that needs to be cleaned.

When you reach the end of an area, go back over it in reverse to ensure you get all the dirt and debris out of the carpet fibers. Keep going until you have finished cleaning all of the areas that need to be cleaned. Once you are done, make sure to empty the recovery tank and refill the cleaning tanks as needed before moving on to Step 6!

Step 6: Empty the Recovery Tank

In Step 6, it’s time to empty the recovery tank. Before you start, make sure you have a container ready to catch any water. Then, turn off and unplug the cleaner from the electrical outlet. Next, press down on the Solution Tank Latch and pull forward to remove the tank.

After that, carefully lift the tank up and out of the carpet cleaner to empty the water into a container. Finally, rinse the tank with fresh water and replace it with carpet cleaner before continuing your cleaning process. Just remember to always use extra care when cleaning stairs or near other surfaces to avoid personal injury or damage.

Step 7: Refill the Cleaning Tanks as Needed

Once you’re done cleaning and have emptied the recovery tank, it’s time to refill the tanks with more cleaning solutions. To do this, turn off and unplug the cleaner from the electrical outlet. Lift the solution tank latch and pull it forward to remove the tank.

Fill the clean solution tank with 150 ml of Hoover Carpet/Upholstery Detergent for optimal results. Then, replace the tank by tilting it back in and engaging the step button on the left of the machine. Ensure that the dirty water tank is properly secured before cleaning, so that you get full suction power when using your Hoover carpet cleaner. After refilling, you can now start cleaning again!

Step 8: Vacuum the Carpet When Finished

Once you have finished cleaning your carpets with your Hoover SmartVac, it is important to vacuum the area. This will remove any cleaning solution residue and dirt that may have been loosened during the process. Vacuuming also helps to restore the carpet’s natural texture and appearance.

If you have a larger area to clean, use the upholstery tool attachment with your Hoover SmartVac for the best results. This tool helps get into all of those hard to reach places and ensure an even deeper clean. Vacuuming after you have cleaned your carpets with your Hoover SmartVac will help ensure that your carpets look and feel their best.

Step 9: Rinse and Dry the Carpet

Once you’ve finished cleaning your carpets with the Hoover carpet cleaner, it’s time to rinse and dry them. Make sure to use the attachment hose and nozzle to spray the carpets with clean water until the cleaning solutions have been removed.

Then, use the vacuum feature on your Hoover carpet cleaner to suck up all the excess water. This will help to speed up the drying process. Place fans in the area to help dry your carpets faster. After a few hours, your carpets should be completely dry and ready for use again!

Step 10: Maintain and Store the Hoover Carpet Cleaner

Once you’re finished cleaning your carpets, it’s important to properly maintain and store your Hoover carpet cleaner. After each use, the cleaner should be emptied and cleaned, and the tanks should be emptied, rinsed, and dried.

Additionally, all of the attachments should be cleaned and kept in a secure place. When it’s time to store the cleaner, turn off the power switch and, unplug the cleaner from the wall outlet; allow the cleaner to cool completely before storing it in a dry place, finally, refer to the user manual for further maintenance instructions that may apply to your specific model of Hoover carpet cleaner.

How do I use the Hoover Carpet Cleaner?

Using the Hoover carpet cleaner is easy. First, make sure to familiarize yourself with the model you have and all of its features. Then, prepare the room for cleaning by moving out the furniture and vacuuming the area to remove any dirt and dust particles. Next, fill the cleaning tanks with the appropriate cleaning solution, set the cleaning mode, and start cleaning.

You may need to refill the tanks a few times as you clean. Once finished, empty the recovery tank, vacuum up any remaining water from the carpet, and rinse and dry it. Finally, store your Hoover carpet cleaner properly and maintain it regularly for optimal performance. With a few simple steps, you can easily use your Hoover carpet cleaner to keep your carpets looking fresh and clean!

Are there any tips and tricks to get the best results from my Hoover Carpet Cleaner?

When it comes to getting the best results from my Hoover Carpet Cleaner, I like to keep a few tips and tricks in mind. First, it’s important to make sure you’re using the right cleaning solution for the job. Hoover recommends only using commercially available detergents and cleaners specifically made for their machines.

Additionally, I always ensure I am pretreating any tough stains before I start cleaning with the Hoover Carpet Cleaner, as this can help remove all stubborn dirt. Finally, when I’m finished cleaning, I vacuum over my carpets with the Hoover Carpet Cleaner’s attachments to ensure all dirt and debris have been completely removed—this helps to get my carpets looking their best!

What attachments come with the Hoover Carpet Cleaner?

The Hoover Carpet Cleaner comes with a variety of attachments to make your carpet cleaning job easier. This includes a crevice tool, which is perfect for getting into small spaces, an upholstery tool for cleaning furniture, and a hand tool for spot cleaning. The attachments attach to the hose and can be used with the carpet cleaner to help remove dirt and stains from your carpets.

The crevice tool is especially useful when cleaning around baseboards and furniture. The upholstery tool is great for cleaning your furniture and the hand tool is perfect for spot cleaning those hard to reach areas. With these attachments, you can easily get your carpets looking their best in no time.


In conclusion, using the Hoover carpet cleaner is a great way to get deep clean carpets. Before getting started, it is important to familiarize yourself with the unit and its features. Additionally, you should prepare the room by moving all furniture out of the way and vacuuming the area thoroughly. Once the room is ready, fill the tanks, set the cleaning mode, and begin cleaning.

When finished, be sure to empty and refill the tanks as needed, vacuum again if necessary, rinse and dry the carpets, and then maintain and store your machine properly. With these steps in mind, you can use your Hoover carpet cleaner to keep your carpets clean and looking their best.

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