A few days ago someone asked me, does 15 SEER AC qualify for tax credit? It is a wonderful question to ask because it is a very important thing for you to know, how you can get a tax credit if you own a 15 SEER Ac and also if you are eligible to get that or not.
Do you know what SEER is? How does it work? Or how an air cooling SEER can be qualified for tax credit?
Today in this article I have come with all the answers to your questions. By reading this article you will know about all these things specially about the tax credit eligibility if you own a 15 SEER air cooling system.
So without any further delays let’s get started.

Does 15 Seer AC Qualify For Tax Credit?
Does 15 SEER AC qualify for tax credit? If you don’t know the answer then there is nothing to worry about because I have got you covered.
So here is the answer to your question, for a 15 SEER air cooling system, you can get about $300 dollars as a tax credit.
What Does Seer Mean To You?
Let’s start from the basics first. Do you know what SEER means? Do you know why air cooling systems need SEER rating systems?
Well, no worries! Because I have got you covered.
First let’s know the full meaning of SEER. The whole meaning of SEER or you can say SEER stands for seasonal energy efficiency ratio. It is kind of a rating system that air cooling systems use to increase its efficiency. It is said that if the SEER of your air cooling system is higher, the more it will become efficient.
It helps to rate the air cooling system’s cooling capacity. How much the air cooling system produces cooling output (in BTU’s) is divided by the total energy (in watts).
But remember that, the SEER rating system is the topmost efficiency rating of your air cooling system but it can get less efficient depending on its condition.
For example- if you say your car needs a gallon of oil for running 28 miles on a highway but it will need more if it gets stuck in city traffic or so. Same goes for a SEER rating. If you find your SEER ratio is 21 it can decrease depending on its situation.
Read more: Does 14 Seer Ac Qualify For Tax Credit? (Let’s Know Now)
What Is A Good Rating For A Seer AC Unit?
If you want to know what is a good rating for a SEER air cooling system unit then in this case only one person can help you with this. And that person is none other than an HVAC specialist.
Your HVAC specialist will help you to select the perfect SEER ratio for your new air cooling system component. He will use a special equation to find the perfect SEER ration for your air cooler.
Also by using that equation, he will also lower down the energy efficiency ratio (EER) over the number of your anticipated seasonal temperature.
Apart from these things, it is said that a good SEER rating for a residential air cooling component starts from a 14 SEER to a 16 SEER.
Is A Higher Seer A Better AC Unit?
I have already addressed this earlier that the higher the SEER the better it is for an air cooling system.
Now you may ask me why is that? The reason behind this is, higher SEER rating air cooling systems run more efficiently and also helps to decrease your monthly energy bill.
If you ask me, which one is better? A 10 SEER air cooling component or a 20 SEER air cooling component. I will say it will be the 20 SEER air cooling component because a 20 SEER air cooling component is two times better and will be two times more efficient.
Is A 15 Seer AC Unit Good?
If you own a or want to buy a 15 SEER air cooling component but are confused if it is a good thing or not then I have got some good news for you.
Any air cooling system which starts from a 14 to 16 SEER is a good rating for an air cooling system. Which means, if you own or want to buy a 15 SEER air cooling component then don’t worry because it is not a good choice. It is not a serious matter to get tense about.
A 15 SEER air cooling component will not only save your utility money, it will also balance down the money you will spend behind an air cooling component.
How Much Tax Credit Will You Be Qualified For A Seer 15 AC?
If you are wondering how much tax credit you will be qualified for a SEER 15 air cooling component then let me tell you the good news.
If you own a 15 SEER air cooling component then your qualification for a tax credit will be up to $300. Isn’t that awesome?
What Is A Federal Tax Credit For A High Efficiency Hvac System? And How Can You Claim It?
As I have said earlier, you will be qualified for a $300 tax credit if you own a 15 SEER air cooling system but do you know what a federal tax credit is for a high efficiency HVAC system? And do you know how you can claim it?
Well, a federal tax credit is a type of a nonbusiness energy property tax credit which motivates homeowners to spend money on energy saving home equipment like high efficiency cooling, water heating and heating electronic equipment. It is kind of a personal tax credit which is obviously non-refundable.
It was passed by the act of 2005 energy policy. It has been extended many times. Now it has been extended until 31st december 2021. So you can say it is the best time to claim it while you file for your income tax.
But the question is how can you claim it? First check your eligibility. If you are eligible then you are qualified to claim this tax. Then don’t forget to attach the copy of the manufacturer’s certification statement while you go to claim for the tax credit. That copy will help you to show the efficiency rating of your system.
If you are qualified then you can claim up to $500 tax credit.

How Does This Energy Tax Credit Work? And How Much Will You Be Given?
If you don’t know how this energy tax credit works then at first you might find it a bit complicated or difficult to understand. But when you look at it carefully then I am telling you, you will find out it is not that difficult.
Trust me when I am saying this, if you are a homeowner, you will definitely get a credit against your taxes in this case. Or equal amount of that money. You might get upto $500 or a specific amount which will be around $50 to $300.
But before thinking about the tax credit money, at first you have to see if you are eligible or not to be qualified for that money. If you see you fall into these certain criteria, you will be eligible for that credit tax. They are-
- SEER: This seasonal energy efficiency ratio of an air cooling system will help you to calculate how much heat is brought out from your house by an air cooling system or your heater in watts-hours. Remember the more the ratio, the more your air cooler will be energy efficient.
- EER: Energy efficiency ratio or EER will help you to find out how your air cooling system works when the outside temperature is 95F.
- HSPF: Heating seasonal performance factor or HSPF counts the output of the ratio of the heat of a heating pump.
- AFUE: Annualised fuel utilisation efficiency or AFUE is kind of a specific percentage or number. It is used to rate the furnace’s heating ability. Just like SEER, AFUE also gets more effective if its ratio gets higher.
If your HVAC system falls into these criterias then you are qualified to get the tax credit money. But don’t lose any slips or any papers related to these tax credits and always keep your home records safe. You will not need to attach those slips with the file but still you might need them sooner or later.
How Can You Find Out The SEER, EER, HSPF And AFUE Of Your Hvac System?
The best thing you can do to check if your air cooling system has any SEER, EER,HSPF and AFUE then you better call an HVAC specialist.
He will see if your air cooling system contains these ratios or not. If your air cooling system has these ratios then he will fix and select a perfect ratio. And then he will also use a special equation to see which one will be the best ratio for your air cooling system.
I guess by now you know the answer to your question which states that, does 15 SEER ac qualify for tax credit or not.
I hope this article helped you to get an answer. Don’t worry if your air cooling system’s SEER starts from 13. Because a good rating SEER starts from 13 to 16. But if you own an older one with 8 SEER, you better change with a higher rating one for a better experience.