If you’ve ever wondered how to remove those pesky stains from your shower floor, this blog post is for you! I’ve rounded up the best tips and tricks to help get rid of stubborn marks left behind on your bathroom tiles. With these simple solutions, you can have a sparkling clean shower in no time.

Stains from Shower Floor
10 Simple Ways to Remove Stains from Shower Floor

10 Simple Ways to remove stains from shower floor

If you’re looking for an easy way to remove stains from your shower floor, you can try a few simple methods. 

1. Use a mild detergent and warm water.

Removing stains from your shower floor can be an intimidating task. However, using the right tools and techniques, you can eliminate these pesky marks. One of the easiest ways to tackle these types of stains is to use a mild detergent and warm water. This method is great for cleaning up dirt, grime, and soap scum. Rinse the floor thoroughly afterward, dry it with a towel, or let it air dry.

2. Apply baking soda paste

Removing stains from a shower floor can be challenging, but baking soda is an effective solution. To use baking soda, make a paste by mixing it with water and applying it to the stained area. If the stain is deep or stubborn, you may need to repeat this process. This method removes the shower floor’s black, brown, and discolored stains.

3. Use the vinegar solution

Cleaning the shower floor with vinegar is one of the best all-natural options. It is an acid that can dissolve alkaline stains. To use it:

  1. Mix equal amounts of white vinegar and hand dishwashing liquid and pour a generous amount over the stained area.
  2. Let it rest for a while, then clean it with a sponge or brush. You can also create a paste of the vinegar and baking soda and apply it over the stain for tougher stains.
  3. Let the paste sit for a few hours before rinsing for the best results.

Vinegar is also effective for removing hard water and soap scum from glass shower doors. Apply full-strength vinegar to the stained area and scrub it with a cloth.

4. Use a pumice stone

If you’ve tried the other methods and still have stubborn stains, you can use a pumice stone to scrub them away. Pumice stones, which come from volcanic rock, are meant to be used on the shower floor in a gentle way to clean the surface without scratching it.

Wet the stone and use it to rub away the stain. Be sure to thoroughly rinse the floor after using the stone to ensure no residue is left behind.

5. Use lemon juice and salt.

Lemon juice and salt are great for removing stains from shower floors. To use this method:

  1. Mix equal parts of lemon juice and salt to form a paste.
  2. Apply the paste to the color and leave it for around 10 minutes.
  3. Scrub the area with a brush or sponge.
  4. Rinse the area with warm water, and the stain should be gone.

This removes stains from various surfaces, including ceramic tile, fiberglass, and plastic.

6. Apply rubbing alcohol

You may also use rubbing alcohol to remove stubborn stains on the shower floor. It breaks down the stain’s molecular structure so it may be scrubbed away. To begin, pour rubbing alcohol directly over the skin and let it rest for a few minutes.

Then, scrape the stain with a sponge or a brush. If the color proves to be very tenacious, you may need to repeat this technique many times. After you’re done, give the floor a good rinsing to eliminate any lingering debris.

7. Try stain remover products.

Stain remover products are a great way to remove stubborn stains from your shower floor. You can find many different stain remover products at your local hardware store or online. Always read the label and follow the manufacturer’s instructions before using any product.

Some of the more common products are chlorine bleach, oxalic acid, oxygen bleach, and enzyme-based cleaners. Chlorine bleach is best used for hard water stains, oxalic acid for rust and iron stains, and oxygen bleach for mildew and soap scum.

Enzyme-based cleaners are designed to break down organic matter and remove organic stains like food and body oils.

8. Scrub with a toothbrush

Scrubbing with a toothbrush is a great way to remove tough stains from the shower floor. To use this method, wet a toothbrush with warm water and add a small amount of mild detergent. Then, gently scrub the stained area. The brush’s bristles will penetrate the grout and remove dirt and mildew. 

9. Try a pressure washer.

Pressure washers use pressurized water to remove dirt, grease, and other gunk from the surface. This is a great option for tough stains, as powerful water jets can easily break them down. Before using a pressure washer, read the instructions carefully and wear the necessary safety gear. Always hire a professional if you feel uncomfortable using a pressure washer.

10. Try steam cleaning

It uses pressurized hot water, detergent, and cleaning agents to break down the build-up and make it easier to rinse. It’s also great for mold and mildew, as the steam kills bacteria. However, be sure to use a steam cleaner that’s designed for use on shower floors, as some cleaners can damage tile or grout.

For best results, start by pre-treating the stained areas with warm water, detergent, and white vinegar. Leave it on for a few minutes before beginning the steam cleaning process.

How to remove brown stains from the shower floor?

Thankfully, you can employ several simple methods to tackle the problem. First, you can use a mild detergent and warm water to scrub away the stained area.

For tougher stains, you may need to apply a stronger solution, such as rubbing alcohol or a commercial stain remover. A toothbrush can help to scrub away any remaining stains.

You can also use a pressure washer, lemon juice, salt, or a pumice stone to remove brown stains from your shower floor. For stubborn stains, you may need to try steam cleaning. You can easily remove stubborn brown stains from your shower floor with the right approach.

How to remove black stains from the shower floor?

If you are dealing with black stains on your shower floor, it is likely due to mold or mildew. You can use white vinegar and water to remove these stains. You can also use bleach or a commercial mildew remover. To prevent black colors in the future, keep the shower floor dry and ventilated.

How to remove stains from plastic shower floor?

Using a mild detergent and warm water is an effective stain-removal method. Scrub the spots using a sponge or cloth with a solution of detergent and warm water.

Baking soda paste or vinegar might be used if the stains persist. For tougher stains, you can use a pumice stone, lemon juice, salt, or rubbing alcohol. Finally, stain remover products can be used to remove stubborn stains. If all else fails, try scrubbing the colors with a toothbrush, using a pressure washer, or even steam cleaning the floor.


No matter what type of stain you may be dealing with, several solutions and techniques can help you clean and remove it from your shower floor. A good place to start is by using mild detergent and warm water.

Baking soda paste, vinegar solution, or a pumice stone may remove tougher stains. For more intense colors, you may need to apply rubbing alcohol, use a stain remover product, scrub with a toothbrush, use a pressure washer, or even try steam cleaning.

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