Air Conditioners fundamentally changed our way of life. When the sun glares upon us and tortures us with its heat, we seek peace in cool air-conditioned spaces. They make our lives so much better. Those unbearable hot days are taken care of by air conditioners. But Do you need to tilt an air conditioner?
Air Conditioners are a must-have. Turning on your air conditioner on hot summer days makes your room feel like heaven on earth. Air conditioners are a staple in our households. Scorching summer days are bearable because of this creation. Air Conditioners cool the temperature in your room, purify the air, and control humidity.
Although air conditioners are essential in our day-to-day lives, we should know how to use them properly and what causes an air conditioner to deliver cooling air. We should also be aware of how to position it properly. Air Conditioners are mainly used to cool the temperature of a room. The cooling system happens because of certain parts and components of an air conditioner.
We need to tilt the air conditioner a bit to get that perfect cooling system. So tilting the air conditioner a bit helps with the cooling capacity.

Do You Need To Tilt An Air Conditioner?
When installing an air conditioner, most of us think that we should tilt it a lot so that the water from the air conditioner won’t face drainage issues. However, this entire concept is wrong.
Air Conditioners don’t need to be tilted more than half an inch. This is because air conditioners have a built-in drainage system that helps them drain the water very quickly. It turns out that most air conditioners are designed to drain properly when installed in a leveled position with half an inch tilt.
So, it’s best to position your air conditioner on a leveled surface with half an inch tilt so that the built-in drainage system will work without a hiccup. This way, it’s easier for the owner as well.
Side Effects Of Not Tilting An Air Conditioner
When installing an air conditioner, tilting it slightly is very important. In addition, slight tilts are incredibly helpful when dealing with the drainage system.
If the air conditioner unit is put on a leveled surface, the water will drip inside the air conditioner and possibly down the wall inside your home. Water down the wall inside a house causes fungus to grow. Fungus is incredibly harmful to health and can even lead to death.
However, if the air conditioner is leveled with a half an inch tilt, the water will fall directly on the floor. Regular maintenance will help avoid anything wrong happening because of the water on the floor.
Appropriate Amount Of Tilt While Installing An Air Conditioner
Window air conditioning units require a subtle tilt. It can’t be too tilted, but it can’t be on a leveled surface either.
Suppose the air conditioner unit is put on a leveled surface. In that case, the possibility of water dripping inside the air conditioner and possibly down the wall inside your home is high. Water down the wall inside a house causes fungus to grow. Fungus is incredibly harmful to health and can even lead to death.
The appropriate amount of tilt while installing an air conditioner is about half an inch or 1 inch. If it’s more than that, then the possibility of the air conditioner filling is extraordinarily high, and it’s also hazardous.
Do Air-Conditioners Need To Be Stored In An Upright Position?
Air Conditioners are a bit problematic when it comes to storing them. They are incredibly fragile. Setting them up in the wrong position will cause extensive damage.
Air Conditioners should always be stored in an upright position. If your air conditioner is placed on its back or the side, damages can occur.
By storing your air conditioner on its back, you end up damaging the compressor. In addition, the compressor damage can lead to repairs and maintenance issues.
However, storing your air conditioner in the perfect upright position helps resettle the oil. This will help tremendously with your air conditioner’s performance.
Transporting Your Air-Conditioner On Its Side
Transporting your air conditioner on its side is a recipe for disaster. So while transporting a new air conditioner, you should make sure that it’s not on its side.
By placing it on its side, the placement could damage the mounting of the compressor. If this occurs, the best way to fix it is by leaving the air conditioner in an upright position for 24 hours.
Why Is It Necessary To Let Your Air-Conditioner Sit After Moving Or Installing It?
The 24-hour warning written on the air conditioner is to allow any liquid refrigerant in the cylinder to drain back into the crankcase and also to give the crankcase heater time to work.
However, the air conditioning unit heater is tiny, so sometimes it takes 24 hours to completely vaporize the refrigerant used in the air conditioner. As a result, the refrigerant takes a lot of time to cool the room especially if it’s in cool weather.
How Long Should Your Air-Conditioner Sit After Moving It?
After buying your new air conditioner, transporting it correctly is crucial. However, letting it sit for a while is more important. Letting your air conditioner sit for a while will ensure damage doesn’t occur.
If you don’t let your air conditioner sit for a while, it’s going to damage the compressor’s mounting. However, if the air conditioner has been placed on its back for a while, then letting it sit for 24 hours is the best option.
What Happens If Air Conditioner Isn’t Used for A Long Time?
Air conditioners nowadays are built to last a long time. So even if your air conditioner goes three or four months without you using it, there won’t be any problems.
So, if you haven’t used your air conditioner for a few months, don’t worry about it. Regular maintenance will help you avoid any problems. Air Conditioners are built to last a lifetime, so even if you haven’t used them for some time, then getting them checked regularly by a mechanic will prevent any problems from arising.
What Precautions Should Be Taken Before Running Your Air Conditioner After It Sits Unused?
Letting your air conditioner sit for some time isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Air Conditioners nowadays last for almost a lifetime. However, the only problem that affects your new Air conditioner is a buildup of dust in your system or an accumulation of debris outside.
So, If you want to turn on your air conditioner after it’s been unused for a few months, here are steps to take first:
1)Checking out the compressor unit outside: Sometimes, when an air conditioner hasn’t been used in a while, dust and debris build up in the compressor units outside, which prevents your air conditioner from working correctly. This is why this is a significant step.
2)Keeping up on maintenance: Maintenance plays a considerable role when it comes to keeping your electrical appliances at it’s best. So regular checkups help elongate the life of your air conditioner.
3)Running Your Air Conditioner on Fan mode: Before turning your air conditioner to cool, switch your thermostat to fan mode, then let it blow for 10 minutes at the very least. This will help ensure that you have cleaned dust and debris out of the system before you turn it on “cool.” Dust buildup makes it difficult for your Air conditioner to circulate air.
4)looking for refrigerant leaks: Gases that help cool a particular area and push the warm air into the outside environment are called freon. Freon gas is also known as refrigerant. Freon gas is used to cool the air of a particular space and control the humidity. So, when there’s a freon leak, your air conditioner can’t cool the air properly
What To Do If Your Is Not Blowing Cool Air?
Sometimes our air conditioners face different issues, and they stop blowing cool air. This problem usually occurs for many different reasons.
However, this problem mainly occurs when the air conditioner filters are dirty. Pile-up of dust and debris is to blame for this issue.
By cleaning the air conditioner’s filters, you can efficiently deal with this issue without even having to call a mechanic. After cleaning air filters, you’ll start getting the cool air from the air conditioner again, along with clean and fresh air.
Another reason your air conditioner is not blowing cool air is a freon leak. Freon leaks are widespread. Gases that help cool a particular area and push the warm air into the outside environment are called freon.
So, when there’s a freon leak in your air conditioner, it’s nearly impossible for the air conditioner to cool the room’s temperature. Freon leaks are also hazardous.
Can Air-Conditioners Run With Low Freon?
Air Conditioners run on a gas called Freon. The cooling process of air conditioners happens because of this gas.
Air Conditioners can run on low freon, but it is hazardous. By running on low freon, the air conditioner takes a long time to cool the room and control the humidity in the air. It’s also higher in cost and extremely dangerous for health.
Running on low freon can cause permanent damage to air conditioners, so it’s best to fix these issues immediately.

How Is Freon Used In Air Conditioners?
Almost everyone knows that freon is a refrigerant. We know it helps cool a room. However, the cooling process is more complex than most of us think.
There’s a compressor in the air conditioners. It compresses the freon with the help of a lubricant. Then the freon gas moves through a few coils, which helps lower the heat and convert it to liquid. Liquid freon is cold. The liquid freon flows through a type of expansion valve, which cools it even more—turning it into a gas. The cold gas then goes through a few more coils, allowing it to absorb the heat and lower the room’s temperature.
This is how freon helps with cooling the temperature of a room.
Side Effects Of Freon On The Environment
Freon is a manufactured greenhouse gas that indicates how deadly it is for the earth and its environment. The earth has struggled with greenhouse gas problems and melting earth caps in the last couple of years. One of the main reasons behind this issue is CFC. CFC works by depleting the ozone layer, and it’s also a freon gas.
With everyone using air conditioners and refrigerators, the use of CFC is increasing rapidly, which is leading the earth into catastrophe.
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Why Is Freon Bad For The Environment?
Freon is terrible for the environment because it’s CFC. CFC harms the earth’s ozone layer and is responsible for holes in the ozone layer. It traps heat in the lower atmosphere, which causes the weather to become warmer. CFC is a whole greenhouse house. It harms the ozone layer tremendously. It is responsible for the ozone layer hole in the Antarctic.
To get that perfect cooling system, we need to tilt the air conditioner a bit, and tilting the air conditioner a bit helps with the cooling capacity. However, you shouldn’t tilt your air conditioner too much. Tilting it half an inch is enough to help the drainage system.
By following these steps, you can ensure your air conditioner is at its best. Maintaining an air conditioner might seem problematic and challenging, but it is worth it because it provides us with cool comforting air. So, by taking care of your air conditioner you are taking care of yourself and saving a lot of money as well.